C1 has always attended mainstream summer camps, we've gotten lower ratios (never 1:1) and stuck with camps where they knew her from previous years to make her more comfortable. I can ever say she's done sleepaway camp a few times with no major hiccups. This year the opportunity presented itself to send her to a camp that specializes and completely composed of children on the spectrum. For years these have always been far out of my price range so it was something to give some serious consideration to but then a passing conversation with Jen from Living Life, with a side of Autism gave me pause about going thru with it.
I guess at first i never saw any downside but them some were all of a sudden glaring at me. The possibilities of learned behaviors, a regression from being with those around her, this all of a sudden were something i never considered.
So what do i do? what's the right choice? am i limiting her by never ever sending her to a spectrum camp?
I really have no idea.